Claim Center

Claim FAQs

How do I file a claim?

In the event of a loss, no matter how large or small, please notify your insurance agent as soon as possible.

If the claim is an emergency (fire, water, tornado, high winds) over a weekend or holiday, try to contact both your agent and Western Iowa Mutual.

Please be ready to provide your policy number, the date and time the loss occurred, the type of loss, a description of the loss/damage, and the location of the loss.

To contact your agent:
Look up agent information »

Contact Western Iowa Mutual:
Phone number: 800.921.1823
Fax number: 712.328.0129

Will my claim be covered?

That depends on what coverages are included in your policy, the cause of damage, and what property was damaged.

Your agent and adjustor can help you review your policy to determine if your claim will be covered.

Do I need to file a police/sheriff report?

In the event of property theft, vandalism or an accident, we recommended that you file a police/sheriff report.

What is the difference between Actual Cash Value and Replacement Cost?

Replacement Cost covers the amount to replace any lost, stolen, or damaged item with a new item of like kind and quality.

Actual Cash Value only covers the depreciated value of an item at the time it was lost, stolen, or damaged. The depreciated value is determined by the wear and tear on the item and the item’s age.

On Replacement claims, actual cash value is paid first until repairs or replacement have been completed.

Will I be able to choose who completes my repairs?

Yes, you will be able to choose the contractor who completes your repairs.

Your claims adjustor sometimes can provide you with a contractor’s name, or you can get an estimate from a contractor of your choice.

Contractor Tip:
Be sure to choose a contractor who is insured and bonded and who gives you a written workmanship guarantee, not a “storm chaser” contractor.

Claims Tips
Protect your property from further damage by doing temporary repairs.
Get a detailed repair estimate.
Complete an inventory of damaged personal property.

Will my premium increase if I file a claim?

We do not raise premiums based on submission of claims, however a surcharge or deductible increase may apply depending on your policy terms, claims history, how long you have been a Mutual customer and the size, frequency, and type of claims.